Before my diagnosis came back I scoured the net looking for real life images & references to help me understand what I was dealing with. So I'm sharing this with you, hoping to aid anyone elses who finds themselves in a similar situation.

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Friday, January 06, 2006
Minor Milestones

I went shopping for a bit today. Since I'm making a promise to myself, that in this house, the walls will not be naked for 14 years - I decided to take a plunge and spend a little $ on some decorations for the powder room. Having never had a powder room before, I find it pretty exciting (oops! another reference to that b-o-r-i-n-g issue that I mentioned yesterday.) - but finally for the first time in my life I get to decorate a room from scratch. But that's what happens when you've never had your own place, going directly from living w/Mom to being married to Mr. Wonderful (it's an inside thing).[BTW - minor regrets only - certainly would do it again]

But back to decorating... Of course, I need to keep in mind that I'm not the only person living here - so I can't do an all b/w photography wall (which I'd love to have somewhere - but I'm the only person in this house who seems to appreciate b/w photography, so - no wall). But since that wouldn't look right in the powder room anyway I needed to choose something else. Well, there were so many options.... but considering our current health related state of affairs I decided on some Zen like 'harmony', 'tranquility', etc plaques, a new wicker trashbasket (a steal for $6.00), and a trinket box of sorts which I have no specific use for, but I really liked it and splurged. (Very uncharacteristic of me). All of that was pretty exciting, a small accomplishment, a milestone reached. But actually, there were two.

Today, I bought a hat. For most people buying a hat probably isn't a big deal. People buy hats all the time. My children wear hats, my husband (who I think looks mighty fine in his Superbowl Champion baseball cap) wears his on occassion. I however don't. I'm not a hat person - don't like them - look stupid in them - and to make matters worse, I always get a terrible case of static cling when I wear one. It could be colder than cold, and I'll be sitting there, all the heat from my body escaping through my unclothed head. But, because my treatment is taking forever it has given me time to get used to the idea that I'm going to need one - and though I've been scouting around a bit lately - today I saw a reversible, pink (as much as I hate the idea of it - I'm a pastel kinda girl), hat on sale. And when I tried it on, I thought - not so bad.

So, perhaps I'll start wearing the hat when we go visit family - just so they get used to seeing me in it, and so I'll get used to wearing one.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! I am a breast cancer survivor, diagnosed at 47, am 51 now. I just found your blog a day or two ago, and came by to read through the posts some more. I could never wear a hat. I admired other people's hat wearing fashion abilities, I was just not one of them. My face is too big, my ears stick out, my hair gets funky after it's been smushed down under a hat. Until all my hair fell out from chemo, and it was cold outside and well, I started wearing hats. When you have a big face and ears that stick out, hair is the only thing that keeps you looking half way decent, if you grow alot of it. Without my hair, I had to give up on looking anything but goofy. Oddly, I found, in my without hair experiences and hats, I could wear a hat like the best of them.

5:00 PM  
Blogger Minerva said...

Major step that one...I NEVER used to wear hats as I had a luscious mane of VERY thick hair so have had to get used to it.. I do find them itchy though but get so cold without them that wear them outside now..

For the rest of my life though, ie inside I just go au naturel. Yes, I have very little hair, but it just works for me. Only been called 'Sir' twice so far..*grin*


5:48 PM  

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Microcalcifications on Right Breast
Birad 4


Tumor 1: Size: 1cm; ER+(77%), PR+(10%), HER2/neu:2+ (positive?)(2) - FISH to confirm
Tumor 2: Size: .2cm; ER+(73%), PR-(1%), HER2/neu:1+ (negative?) (1.3)

Nuclear Score: 3
Tubular Score: 3
Mitotic Score: 2

Staging: TBD based on positve node count after Bilateral Mastectomy


March 15 - Chemo started March 9 - Port installed
February 9 - Bilateral Mastectomy
January 23 - Bilateral MRI
January 20 - Genetic Counseling
December 8 - Lumpectomy with Sentinel Node Biopsy
November 8 - Excisional biopsy
November 3 - Stereotactic core biopsy on 2/3 sites
October 28 - Digital Mammogram
October 20 - Meeting with surgeon (Dr. gr8). Fine Needle Aspiration.
October 18 - Meeting w/ PCP - surgeon recommended
October 14 - Mammogram (w/immediate call back for magnified images) & ultrasound.


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    When I first discover I had cancer I said - better today than 20 years ago,(much less early 1800's)

    This Essay on Nabby Adams shows just how far we've come.

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